Saturday, July 7, 2012

Yahalla y'all!

Hey there! Glad to see that you've stumbled across my blog. Or, if you were previously following it, welcome back! I've forgotten that I've had this blog for a couple of years now, but I've decided to delete all of my past posts and make it into something new. I've decided to dedicate this blog to my life as a belly dancer, and all of the random things and thoughts that come with it...favorite costume vendors, favorite make-up products/product reviews/make-up tips and tricks, current inspiration, music, etc. With that being said, LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF!

My name is Sasha Belyakova. That's me, the one on your right with the dark hair. The gorgeous blonde standing next to me is my fabulous partner, Courtana. Together we make up the tribal fusion belly dance duet collectively known as "Courtana and Sasha". We live and perform in Shreveport, Louisiana.

How I Got Started -  In 2008, my dad saw a local belly dance group perform at a multicultural festival that he was participating in. He came home that afternoon with a flyer advertising a beginner class and urged me to go, "just to try something new". At that time, I had only done ballet since I was a wee one, and currently did not have a place to dance. I had just graduated from high school, and the studio that I went to did not offer any advanced adult classes and class availability at other studios were slim pickin's. So, I went to the belly dance class, just for shits and giggles. My dad was paying for it, so why not? After my first class, I was instantly hooked. I couldn't wait to show my friends what I had learned after my first class. Impressed of how quickly I picked up on technique and choreography, my teacher (also the director of the troupe) moved me to the intermediate class after just a couple of months of beginner courses, and after six months of taking my very first beginner class, I was already doing professional gigs and performing with the troupe. All of this happened right as I turned 18.

The Port Belly Project by Collin Richie
l to r: Sareeta, Loreli, Careema, me, Chala, Kahina (troupe director), Courtana, Nessa, Sanchali, Lida, Raisa
It was when I joined the intermediate class that I met Courtana. When we danced together, we just "clicked", and refused to dance with anyone else! I spent four years in the troupe with Court when we decided to pursue our own project in 2011. Our style is mainly tribal fusion, but with some modern and alternative twists. Sometimes I throw in a little ballet here and there...Court gets on to me about it...but what can I say? Old habits die hard! We cater to the nightlife entertainment scene, performing in bars and clubs in our area. For the moment we are taking a break...Court runs her own theater production company that keeps her busy, and I'm currently going through physical therapy for a back injury.

Right now, I am looking into moving to Los Angeles, California in the next couple of months where I hope to further my dance and make-up career (make-up artist is my day job). I've been looking into some studios in L.A. for classes, but if you know someone/somewhere that I should go to, please feel free to give me some suggestions! Even though I'm a tribal girl by trade, I would LOVE to learn other styles of belly dance! I want to learn as much as I can, and improve and add on to my own style.

Hopefully I'll be more committed to this blog than I have been in the past. Not only do I want to use it as a sway to communicate and connect with my peers, but I also want to use it as a way for friends and family to keep up with what-all I'm doing...I am terrible at returning phone calls, texts, emails, posting on Facebook and hopefully this will be a way to make up for my horrible social skills. :)

Until next time!